Zipcloud reviews 2015
Zipcloud reviews 2015

Overall server performance records are completely public, which is great, but as problems are occurring, you have only private forums to check which do not allow replies and are often not all that informative. I'd rather be told about that than dig it out on Twitter. Planned and unplanned outages are not communicated as well or as openly as they could be, especially when there is a larger, standing issue like the one mentioned above. The break in service quality now is a current concern. My review and rating here will improve if they can fix these problems, or worsen if they do not. Prior to this my experience with shared hosting plans at Site5 has been flawless. It seems Site5's new offer of letting customers choose a specific datacenter was responded to at levels that exceeded their capacity and ability to balance the load, definitely at the Chicago datacenter. High marks all around I have been very pleased with site5 and we think you will to! Some other hosts have separate accounts for billing, tech support, hosting, etc. The great thing about this is they have a single account for all services. They have a highly customized cpanel configuration. The dashboard is very easy to navigate and complete tasks. If you do host multiple sites this makes managing them much easier. For a few more dollars a month you can give each one of your sites its own hosting control panel. I think they are calling it turbo charged these days. They really excel when it comes to mult-site hosting. They are still a good host, have a great control panel and do a good job, just not as good as they used to. When you read some of the user review you will notice that other have seen the same situations.

zipcloud reviews 2015 zipcloud reviews 2015

They ultimately did get them resolved but took longer than it used to. It is just that I personally have had a few delayed responses with helpdesk tickets. If you go with Site5 I think you will still be happy with them. I still host over 25 sites with them but the support and service is not what it once was. Not sure what has been going on at site 5 but there Customer support is not as quick as it once was. We have helped many of our clients get set up with Site5 and our clients have noticed better help. Joomla Hosting Reviews has seen a notable increase in the level of support. The new owners hired 7 new employees and the average wait time is around 15 minutes for 80% of the issues. In November of 2008 Site5 changed ownership and the customer support and level of service has greatly increased. They are a great option for business class hosting and personal sites alike. I expect Site5 to continue to improve as the years move on. Site5 has several new products in the works including an improved control panel and data centers located through out the world allowing for local hosting for those who need it. Both types of servers are fast and have great uptime, the redundant hosting makes a few of my clients sleep better at night. Most of my sites are on my original Site5 account (over 5 years old) and have moved some of the more mission critical one to the redundant hosting. Site5 has rolled out several new products including redundant hosting. One very nice touch is the addition of the support staff technician to the tickets, instead of a faceless email you are able to see exactly who is helping you. Their tech support it fast and on the ball. I have moved some of my sites to other host to try out the service and often times find myself moving the site back to Site5. I host well over 2 dozen different Joomla sites with various hosting companies. I have used Site5 for several years now and they have always done an excellent job.

Zipcloud reviews 2015